Shelby St. Pentecostal Lighthouse

8620 S. Shelby St.
Indianapolis, IN  46227



Service Ministries.

Our service ministries offer

Each individual the opportunity

To serve the community and our

Local church. God intends

for us to serve and be blessed.

Please contact the church office

For more information regarding

These ministries.

*Clothing/Food Pantry

*Bus Ministry


*Grounds/Building Clean-up



The women’s ministry of the church is

Created to encourage fellowship amongst

Women, enhance individual relationships

With the Lord, and produce godly women

Who are profitable for the Kingdom, their

Husbands and families, and their community

Monthly meetings create nourishment through

The Word, powerful prayer, as well as enjoyable

activities in which laughter and joy abound.

Finally, throughout the year, time is set apart

For the women to get away together for a

Refreshing, renewing, and reviving time in the

Spirit and with each other.

*Monthly Women’s Meetings

*Women’s Discipleship Groups

*Women’s Retreats



The church offers a variety of programs for

Child development and discipleship. We are

Committed to reach and impact every child


*Children’s church

*Children’s choir

*Nursery available AM services



We are passionate about helping the youth

Within our area. We believe that nothing in

The world is as important as the church. It

Is our desire to raise up disciples who are

Firmly established in the Kingdom of God.

To accomplish this goal we offer small groups

Where students can ask questions, learn from

One another, and encourage each other.

We are endeavoring to train an army of young

Men and women to share the love of Christ

With their generation.

We are training them by:

*Choir Participation

*Youth Fellowship Meetings

*Youth Camps


Music is as much a part of church as

Preaching, teaching, etc and Pentecostals

Are noted for their music.

We believe that praise and worship in the

Church should reflect the overflow of one’s

Relationship with God. Our goal is to create

An atmosphere that enables the Holy Ghost

To work in and speak to the hearts of His

People. We desire to host an environment

Where people can meet with God. 

Psalm 95:6

O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker.

Psalm 66:1

Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands:

Psalm 95:1

O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.



We desire to minister to all the needs of

Individuals, physical as well as spiritual.

Our desire is to do as Jesus commanded

In Matthew 28:19, Go ye therefore, and

Teach all nations, baptizing them in the

Name of the Father, the Son, and of the

Holy Ghost:

There are missionaries that are working

From the church here in different parts

Of the world and we support other

Missionaries from other parts of the

Country to various groups of people

And also local missions that are so

Important to the needy around us.

Mission Trips

Various mission trips have been conducted

By different members of the church into

Different parts of the world such as

Guatemala, Indonesia and abroad.

May we ever as the Body of Christ have

A caring heart.
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